
  • nGun First Beta Version Released!

    Accelerometers are becoming increasingly ubiquitous, embedded in everything from mobile phones to computers—and even washing machines. Motion-sensing technology is now a common feature in our daily lives, offering a range of practical uses. But sometimes, technology can be just for fun. Enter nGun, the latest application designed for accelerometer-equipped phones. While it may not…

  • AlertMe 3.0 Released! [Latest Version]

    hi there u know latest version of the alertme was 2.0 and decided to make a new version that nobody will need to use any of that modifications of alertme. in this version u can i added lots of features to let u personalise alertme.lets see new features New Features: Background is able…

  • AlertMe 2.0 : Password Protection Added!

    You know alertme was not enough protective withouth password protection. And in this version i added a password protection ability to alertme in this version: i put another alert sound instead of old one.because old one’s size was so big. Background Changed. and i put all setting buttons together under settings menu. default password…

  • AlertMe 1.5 Demonstration Video

    Hi there, today i recorded a video to show how alertme works.

  • AlertMe 1.5 Beta is ready to downloads!

    After the first version, today i make a new version by the user suggestions.Most of bugs fixed Bugs Fixed: Background size fixed Exit button fixed.Both of exit buttons are working fine now. New setting added:Now we’re able to set the reaction time to start button Download

  • AlertMe 1.1

    Few days ago i decided to make an app. like nalertme because i get bored of waiting samir to release it.And today my project’s finished.It’s even announced in on the homepage in news. AlertMe is a mobile python app. to protect your phone from thiefs.With this app. you can set your phone to…

  • Transforming a USB Mouse into a DJ Turntable

    Recently, the optical sensor in my USB mouse malfunctioned. However, the mouse wheel remained functional, which sparked an idea: why not repurpose the mouse wheel for a more immersive DJ experience? I recalled that Virtual DJ software allows the use of a mouse wheel for scratching turntables, and this inspired me to create a…